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. H E . A L T H .


our health is something completely

invisible yet so very real and delicate.

it oftentimes seems fragile, unpredictable

and not within our power.


but taking a closer look at the strategies

that our genius human body provides for itself

-  to heal, to recover, to grow, to prosper

and to maintain healthy –

being put into optimal conditions,

it appeals and actually is extremely

resiliant, persistant and powerful.

and most of all - inseperable from any physical practise or concern that we'll ever come across.


in our modern days –

healthiness and well being

can be measured by certain data’s and results.

but at the end of the day, W E  define what being and actually f e e l i n g healthy, well

and happichappi  r e a l l y  means - to us.


out of the very strong believe

that a seeker always finds one's suiting path -

in a 100% inspirational, undogmatic way

- while still seeking to adress urgent, enviromental issues -

. B O . H E . M I . shares recipes

and alternative ways & ideas to common

and oftentimes unconsiously settled diet habits.




> r e c i p e s

/ plant based recipe ideas + inspirations

/ easy, cheap and fast – but high in quality

/ for all occasions

// find them in my blog



> d i e t   i n s p i r a t i o n s

/ documentaries

/ books

/ links



> w o r k s h o p s

// find all workshops in schedule

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