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. B O . D Y .


some essential parts of our human body

are designed to outlive us.. big time.

through life our system struggels with unoptimal movement patterns, diet and a huge amount of stressfactors and experiences degeneration on all levels.


by creating and maintaining optimal movement patterns and a generally healthy lifestyle, the possibilities of enjoying the magic of this highly complex and genius design through our life increases.


we cant change the way life treats us or the challanges it will put us through.

but we can cherish ourselves and face it all with an invincible attitude and a healthy body.


to create tools that support you in doing so,

. B O . H E . M I .  provides the following  programmes.




> f u n d a m e n t a l s

/ preventional and rehabilitating bodywork while learning fundamental biomechanic

/ that provide your body before  a n y  kind of movement

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> y o g a

/ combining influences of traditional hatha and also anusara


/ organizing them in effective and secure sequences

/ either to get active, lively and strong

   or to wind down, remaining calm and relish the current


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> p i l a t e s

/ classical pilates matwork presents certain exercise

/ keeping the focus on strengthening up the bodys center
/ gaining motorcontrol in an neglected body area
/ especially preventing and rehabilitating stubborn

   backpain and everything that comes with


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> p e r s o n a l   t r a i n i n g

/ using all different movement tools
/ turning them into a training that is adapted on particular

   needs and therefore effectively

   supports your body in a healthy way

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> r e t r e a t s

/ discussing particular topics over a 1 to 2 weeks time

/ no upcoming retreat planned

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> w o r k s h o p s

/ discussing particular topics over 2 to 5 days

/ no upcoming retreat planned

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